Purchase Directory Listing

With an average of 1,000 + page views per month (and growing), our website has become a hub for families researching homeschooling, looking for opportunities for their kids, and for those moving into the area. This online directory will be a central resource for homeschool families to find tutors, extra curricular activities, local businesses, curriculum resources and so much more.

For a minimal fee, your business can be listed in this directory for a whole year. ($75/year—less than $0.21 per day!). Or  $50 for a 6 month listing (less than $2/week). The listing consists of your business name, link to your website, contact info, and a three sentence overview of your offerings.  

Or, if you are already a conference sponsor (or sponsor now), you get your listing for $25/year. (you must submit all of your sponsorship paperwork, then you will get the link to the steeply discounted directory listing).